Natural Resources
and Agriculture
career pathway
The Natural Resources and Agriculture Career Pathway explores careers in the food, fiber, and natural resources public and private industries such as forestry, logging, geographic information systems (GIS), wildlife management, fisheries, environmental science, and more. Natural Resources and Agriculture careers are for students who enjoy learning about plants, animals, and food!
Explore courses at your school in the natural resources and agriculture career pathway
Meet your natural resources and agriculture
career Pathway Teachers
Bigfork High School
Elliot Wolfson
Healthcare and Natural Resources/Ag Pathways
Grand Rapids High School
Shawn Linder
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Jordyn Newberg
Automotive, Construction, and Natural Resources Pathway
greenway high school
Natasha Orhn
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Hill City high school
Matt Alleva
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Itasca Community College
Meadow Kouffeld
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Lee Kessler
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Nashwauk-Keewatin High School
Luke Adam
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
Bill Deer
Natural Resources/Ag Pathway
What's Next
1. explore next career pathway courses
Explore Next Career Pathways at Pathway Courses
2. experience
3. excel
Continue your Natural Resources and Agriculture career education locally
Partner With Us
Partner with Next Career Pathways to give relevant experiences and intentional opportunities to local students that will inspire curiosity and hope for a future right here in the greater Itasca area. Together, we are the change for our communities. Together, we can unleash endless possibilities. There are so many ways to work with us!